
A table with the word acronym written in blocks.

Common Acronyms

Common acronyms that contractors need to know. CMMC. DIBCAC. DFARS. Are you a contractor having a tough time keeping up with acronyms? We’re put together a list of acronyms contractors in the defense industrial base will see. 1. Authorized C3PAO = Authorized CMMC 3rd Party Assessment Organization. “A C3PAO...

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Wooden hourglass against white brick wall.

Parabilis – CMMC update: are you assessment ready?

CMMC update: are you assessment ready? Written By Theresa Moon To thine own score be true…. Cue the music from Jaws. As the deadline gets closer and closer, the once looming prospect of compliance regulation now is upon us. Parabilis has stayed on top of the latest news pertaining...

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Yellow winding road sign ahead.

Parabilis – So, what’s the deal with CMMC?

So, what’s the deal with CMMC? Written By Theresa Moon CMMC 2.0 is at the forefront of many businesses’ agenda as we hear more and more of how the deadlines will come fast and furious and the demand of the assessors will be on a first come first serve...

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A diagram of the cmmc model structure

CMMC Maturity Processes & Policies and Procedures

  The Department of Defense published the “Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 Updates and Way Forward” document and outlines the CMMC background and way forward based on the Department’s internal review. Various modifications to the CMMC model are expected to take effect in the future. One of the...

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A cover page of the nist special publication.

Sanitizing Media and CUI

A brief article on how sanitizing paper media that contains CUI can be performed to meet NIST SP 800-171 / Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) requirements.

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A person is looking at the time on their apple watch.

Smart Watches and CUI

This is a short article on understanding on how smart watches can potentially fall in-scope for the NIST SP 800-171 / Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Maturity Level 3 requirements.

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