
Listen To Our Client's Testimonials

Longeviti - Importance Of Doing JSVA Right Away

Brandon Long (CEO), Terry Sargent (VP) and Rick Schlegel (Security Specialist) from Longeviti explains the importance of doing JSVA right away.

Longeviti - Will You Choose Cybersec Again

Brandon Long (CEO), Terry Sargent (VP) and Rick Schlegel (Security Specialist) from Longeviti explains if they would use Cybersec again?

Longeviti - What Was It Like to Work With Cybersec

Brandon Long (CEO), Terry Sargent (VP) and Rick Schlegel (Security Specialist) from Longeviti explain their experience with Cybersec

Longeviti - The Importance of Perfect Score

Brandon Long (CEO), Terry Sargent (VP) and Rick Schlegel (Security Specialist) from Longeviti explain the importance of obtaining a perfect score

Longeviti On Why They Chose Cybersec

Brandon Long (CEO), Terry Sargent (VP) and Rick Schlegel (Security Specialist) from Longeviti explain why the chose Cybersec Investments

IVA'AL Solutions on Why Cybersec Investments

Tauryn Williford from IVA’AL Solutions explains how she met Fernando Machado and the benefits from passing a Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment (JSVA).  

IVA'AL Solutions on their JSVA Experience

Tauryn Williford from IVA’AL Solutions explains the overall experience of going through a Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment (JSVA)

DEFCERT What Happens After A JSVA

Ryan Bonner from DEFCERT explains what happens after the completion of his client’s Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment (JSVA).  

DEFCERT Explains The Steps Of A JSVA

Ryan Bonner from DEFCERT explains the steps  that his client went through with prepping for their Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment (JSVA)

DEFCERT Explains the JSVA Experience

Ryan Bonner from DEFCERT Explains his overall experience with one of his clients with going through a Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment (JSVA) with Cybersec Investments.

Ryan Bonner Explains How He Met Fernando Machado

Ryan Bonner from DEFCERT explains how he knows Fernando Machado, Cybersec Investments CISO & Managing Principal. 

DTS Explains Why Cybersec Investments

Derek Kernus from DTS explains why the they chose Cybersec Investments as their CMMC 3rd Party Assessment Organization (C3PAO)

DTS Explains Their Experience With The JSVA Process

Derek Kernus from DTS explains their experience with a Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment (JSVA)

DTS Explains Why We Chose A JSVA

Derek Kernus from DTS explains the benefits of going through a Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessment (JSVA)

Ready to start your CMMC Journey?  Contact us and we will help!

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